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My experience with the pet was funny, weird, hilarious and also awkward. Definitely a new situation - what i was looking for when i applied for the pet adoption. I was happy with the communication before adoption and i felt the agreement contract was very useful for me. I think it had all the necessary information before pet arriving to my home. It was a big surprise to actually have a huge rat in my home!


The experience with the pet made me very conscious with how i am acting in my home, which was also challenging. Not necessary in a bad way, just that i noticed that i put myself in a situation that i haven't been before. I felt like also immersing myself in a performance in my home and somehow trying to act as a part of it. I'm glad i had this weird experience in my home, even though i think next time i would act very different. I was not prepared how the pet made me act, which was surprising to me.


Having this pet as a performance made me think a lot about other human service works, such as sex work. I think it had a lot of connection to sex working, even though this was not at all a sexual experience. It made me think about different kinks of how people want to act as animals or be treated as something else than a human. I am very curious how the artist felt during the adoption. Thinking of this, i felt that the connection with the pet and how the communication is created is very important in this experience. I had to finish the adoption a bit earlier than 24 hours and i felt that i had created some type of communication with the pet just before the adoption ended.


For me it was hilarious that i had opportunity to name the pet. It came as a very strong intuition to name pet as Kalle the Rat. Even now i am laughing out loud when thinking of the name and the pet. Kalle is a very typical Finnish name, and i would definitely give that name to a pet rat in the future as well. The pictures i have from Kalle are also very funny and i will remember this experience for ever. Everyone that i tell about Kalle and show the pictures are amazed that there could be something like this happening.

- Anna, former rat owner (April 2023)

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Kalle the Rat at home with rat owner Anna. Photo: Tanja Silvestrini

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