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This totally had a similar aftertaste that I have experienced when going to see a really good contemporary performance art piece! Why is it surprising? Because indeed somehow it mostly felt like something else besides art: co-presence. For quite a while I was left with many feelings and questions, just like when I go to see something thought provoking :“What did I just go through and what is the meaning of this?”.


This performance also pushes you to the stage to perform: your daily life and the new role you have as a pet owner. You are not just the audience but have to collaborate and follow some guidelines and instructions. As the roles and meanings are shifted during the performance the questions themselves also start to perform in time and shape-shift so you really have to take the time and look inside yourself. My favourite moments were those were we quietly co-habited the space with the Bunny.

- Hildar, Bunny Owner (March 2023)


Bunny at home with bunny owner Hildar. Photo: Tanja Silvestrini

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